Wiki The possibilities of finding a coding job in houston...

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I just finished my course in Houston with Ms. Swisher.(shes the best!!) I am taking my test soon. I currently work as a patient portal coordinator. I set up patients on the online portal to check their medical records. I am curious as to what the chances are of finding a coding job in houston might be once i have taken my exam and passed. I see a lot of people posting on here who seem to be having a lot of trouble finding a job and its scaring me a little bit that i will never get a coding job

any advice or anything would be great!
It looks as if you already have your foot in the door being that you are already in the medical field. Look within your present company for opportunities of advancement. Once you get your certification, let it be known that your a patient portal coordinator who has just obtained a CPC. I previously worked in the billing dept. (A CPC was not required for that position) As soon as I passed the exam, I let it be known. Within one month, I got word that a Coder position was opening up, within the same company, and I should apply. Good luck to you. Don't get discouraged.