
Uncasville, CT
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Hello, I was wondering if someone could clarify this for me because I've seen contradicting things. If someone develops a compilation of pregnancy like gestational diabetes or gestational hypertension amd they are visiting for it I can bill it out separately because it's a complication, even though it's pregnancy related?
Hello, I was wondering if someone could clarify this for me because I've seen contradicting things. If someone develops a compilation of pregnancy like gestational diabetes or gestational hypertension amd they are visiting for it I can bill it out separately because it's a complication, even though it's pregnancy related?
Per CPT, treatment for complications of pregnancy may be billed separately. That being said, the payer will decide if they are bundled or not. I always recommend billing these visits related solely to the complication at the time of the visit to get it timely filed (as it will be denied if you try and bill at the end of pregnancy). If the payer denies you can appeal after the delivery as many payers want to see 13 visits exceeded before they will consider paying for complications. The important bit is to get your claim in to avoid that timely filing denial.