Wiki The Cutting Edge-Additional Copies!

Modesto, CA
Best answers
Okay Credentialed Coders...You got your name published in The Cutting Edge!:D
Now all your family and friends want a copy! ;)
Where do you get additional copies?:confused:

Thanks ...

Kari Heath, CPC
Kari, good luck in your quest! I did not receive my October copy in the mail and when I called home office to ask if I could purchase an extra copy, basically the answer was no. They have a extremely limited "run-off" list. Fortunately, could read the issue posted on the website, but in your case you may find it difficult to locate hard copies of the magazine.
Kari, How long did it take for your name to be published in the magazine?

I passed my exam on October 12th and thought for sure I'd be in the December issue, but my name is not there.

Savannah Robinson, CPC