Wiki Tetanus given im

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Hi there, Could any one assist me on the below scenario:
New patient visits the physicians office for Superficial puncture wound to Right Foot(W/O FOREIGN BODY). And the physician cleans the wound with NS and applies Bacitracin and covers the wound with gauze. And TETANUS Vaccine is administered IM. So, now the concern here is, whether this administration of TETANUS can be considered as OTC or Prescription Management. ? Any assistance/help would be grateful! Thanks
A tetanus vaccine is a routine preventive measure, I don't believe it falls into category of a medication, OTC or prescription, as it's not a therapeutic treatment and not a drug that is being 'managed'. If you're looking for a level of risk for purposes of MDM, from what you've described above I would consider this a low risk category encounter, unless there is additional documentation from the provider that details something specific or some complicating factor or concern for healing or recovery that the provider has mentioned that would justify calling this a moderate risk situation.