Wiki Test Again???


Wimauma, FL
Best answers
Hello, I am a CPC-H and have been coding for GI for 2 years . I have applied for a new coding postion, and My question is, anyone familiar with taking a 2hr exam prior to being interviewed, if so what does the exam cover? :confused:
Hello, I am a CPC-H and have been coding for GI for 2 years . I have applied for a new coding postion, and My question is, anyone familiar with taking a 2hr exam prior to being interviewed, if so what does the exam cover? :confused:

That seems a little exstensive. I have taken a test for employment but never 2 hrs. Maybe 1/2 hour tops.
Good Luck!
Wow, I too have taken a pre-employment test and it took just about a 1/2 hour. That sounds really weird. However, if you're willing and you want the job.... :)

good luck!
I agree. Two hours seems a little excessive for a pre-interview exam. However, some remote coding companies have extensive pre-interview exams. The content might vary, depending on the position you are applying for.