Wiki Tendon Transfer


Centre Hall, PA
Best answers
I could use some help on coding the following procedure the doctor performed for thumb hyperflexion.

In his op report, he states, "I made a longitudinal mid-lateral approach to the radial side of the thumb IP joint. dissection was carried down through the skin and subcutaneous tissues. Digital nerve was protected and I identified the FPL tendon. i split this and removed its insertion distally at the split section. I transferred this dorsally to the EPL tendon and sutured this in place with a Pulvertaft weave and multiple stitches of 3-0 Ethibond. This did correct the hyperflexion deformity of the thumb well.

I'm not sure if I need to code according to the origin of the tendon, the incision site or where the tendon is being transferred. I have thought of using 26480 because that seems to be where the FPL tendon is being transferred to.

Any help would be much appreciated!
It is tendon transfer from FPL is in the forearm and/or wrist. 25310
Thank you! Do you know where I can find information on tendon transfers for future reference? I always like to have backup incase my coding decision are questioned.
Also, would I put a finger modifier on 25310 since it is happening in the thumb?