Wiki Tendinosis - code for supraspinatus


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Hi .
Looking for code for supraspinatus tendinosis and infraspinatus tendinosis.

Some debate here !


As it pertains to tendons, Rotator Cuff and in general for all other tendons, "Tendinosis" is one of the many terms used by Orthopedic Surgeons to indicate an "abnormality" of the tendon which they think is causing the patient's problem. It is not a very specific term, but is probably most closely related to other terms such as Tendinitis or Tendinopathy. In other words, they really don't know, but are blaming the clinical problem on a tendon or tendons. Radiologists often use this term in MRI Reports of the shoulder when they see "edema" of the tendon(s) but without being able to identify a tear, and implies "inflammation" of the tendon(s). Unfortunately, ICD-10 is very poor at coding these fairly synonymous terms. "Tendinitis" of the Rotator Cuff tendons is not even in the Descriptor in any of the M75 codes. Bicipital Tendinitis is specific. Calcific Tendinitis is specific, but is incorrectly described as "calcified bursa," which it is not. The calcium is within the tendon. M75.5 _ is for "bursitis" of the shoulder, but doesn't include the word "tendinitis." From looking at other Forums regarding this issue, in which other Coders have put in input, M75.5 _, seems to be accepted on claims for "Rotator Cuff Tendinitis." The next option would be M75.8 _, Other Shoulder Lesions, in which "Other" means "none of the above."

Hopefully, I hope this helps more than it adds to the confusion.

Respectfully submitted, Alan Pechacek, M.D.