Wiki Temporary Dialysis Catheter by a cardiologist


Tampa, FL
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Patient has hyperkalemia with acute renal failure patient is oliguric with AMS.

Temporary dialysis, emergency dialysis catheter inserted at bedside in ICU

access through the right common femoral cannulized using the Seldinger technique Jwire placed in IVC blindly. skin incision made over the wire and a dilalator inserted into IVC, Dilator removed and a dialysis triport catheter was inserted. Wire then removed and 3 ports flushed catheter sutured to skin.

I could only find 36556, but I am not sure this is right. Someone please help. :(
I cannot say that this is 100% correct without seeing the entire operative note. However, that being said this was an insertion of dialysis catheter, correct?
The code is 36556 for this insertion. If your physician also performed the dialysis, which I think you said he did, you would also need to code the 90970 for dialysis per day.
Hope this helps ;)
Amy thanks, he did not perform the dialysis himself. The report says basically what I put but I took out a few words.

He only inserted the catheter, my manager was worried that this was more of a central line code. She is training me on Cardio and had never seen this come across her desk before she wanted to code as 36567, but wasn't sure herself.

All we know for sure is that it was a tri port catheter inserted for temporary dialysis.

thanks this does help a little