Wiki telephone code modifiers for MCR


True Blue
Everett, Washington
Best answers
List, I submitted this question last week, with no responses, so trying again. Which one of the ABN G codes modifiers would be most appropriate for codes 99441-99444 Yes, we know MCR doesn't deem these as payable, and would like to explore options to assign to patient responsibility?
you cannot obtain an ABN for a Medicare patient without reading it to them out loud prior to the service being rendered. If Medicare deems the service to be non covered then no ABN is necessary.
Deborah, thanks for your definitive answer as I've been wondering about this, but needed someone more knowledgeable to reply. Haven't had much luck in the responses. Thanks for coming to the rescue! My ignorance may be showing here, but was hoping there would be an avaukabke modifier to trigger these codes showing on the EOB as patient liability. Guess the best approach might be an office policy specifically addressing patient liability for phone visits that fit the code criteria?