Wiki telemedicine/telehealth guidelines and rules changing now or in fall?


True Blue
Hinsdale, MA
Best answers
I understand telemedicine and telehealth guidelines are temporary due to covid.
Has anyone out there any knowledge on changes as of August or upcoming changes or restrictions on telemed use for ENT specialists?
Are the requirements the same? Same CPT and modifiers?
Any changes to 2021 E&M telemed documentation coming up this month or in the fall?
thank you
Hi there,
The HHS Secretary renewed the COVID-19 public health emergency that allows the temporary telehealth rules (among other things) on July 19. Each declaration lasts 90 days, so the current exceptions and waivers will be in place at least until mid-October.

CMS has proposed several rules related to telehealth but they are just proposals at this point and the earliest they might go into effect would be Jan. 1, 2022.