Wiki Telemedicine POS Change


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Does anyone know which insurance is NOT using the new '10' for TMV POS? I was reading that Medicare was not, does this include Medicaid?

Thank you!
Hello @MCogdill Did you get anywhere with your question? I am so confused. I'm not sure if I should be using -10 or -02 for any carriers including Medicare. What is the address listed for POS -10. Are they expecting us to put the member address in for every patient that is seen via Telemedicine. I hope you can offer some insight. Thank you
Hi as far as I know UHC, OXF and Anthem wants 10 for telemed services rendered at their home as POS, and 02 other than home effective 1/1/2022. MC started 4/4/2022. But what about the Modifier? does 95 stay the same, what about the 2 new FQ audio only and FR audio/ visual? Is that only for mental health visits or all visits?