Wiki Telemedicine coding questions

Reno, NV
Best answers
Does anyone have any experience with telemedicine coding? I haven't been able to find any information online about our particular situation.

I work in a county clinic and we have a TB clinic. The nurses need to check every day to make sure the patient is taking the medication, they do this on the internet and either watch them take the medication or the patient sends a video daily and they watch that.

My first question is, is the time watching the video billable as they are not in contact with the patient? And how would this be billed?

For the live internet observation, is this billable and how would it be billed? Is it just the 99211 code with modifier GT?

If you can help at all with this or direct me to more information, I would appreciate it. Thank you!

99444 is a service that must be initiated by the patient and must be reviewed and responded to by the physician. It does not sound like this is what is happening in this instance.