Wiki Telemedicine and drug screen test


Franklin, WV
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When a Telemedicine provider orders a urine drug screen (80305) how do we get insurances to pay for it? provider is the distant site and has to use 2 POS and drugscreen was done in office POS 11 and cant use two different places of service on one claim.
If you are billing for services performed at two different locations, then you will need to bill two separate claims. The claim forms are not designed to accommodate multiple physical locations on the same form.

If the locations are the same, but your system or your payer is not accepting different place of service codes (e.g. inpatient and outpatient professional services at the same hospital), then you would need to speak to your software or clearinghouse vendor to get a fix or a workaround, or just split the services onto separate claims here too if that isn't an option.
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