Wiki Telehealth provider location

Little Falls, MN
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I am looking for feedback. Some of our providers (FQHC Tribal clinic) are wanting to provide telehealth visits to their patients where the provider is in their home and the patient is in their home instead of the provider having to be in the office. I haven't found anything in the CMS guidance, unless I am missing it, that states that this is acceptable. Does anyone have a different take on this? Concurring opinions would also be appreciated. Thanks all. Hang in there.
I did a question and answer webinar with my local MAC on Wednesday and they said that the patient and the provider can be at home for the office visit POS 02 with interactive audio and video. I’m not sure what FQHC is but I would check with your local to see if they offer guidance or a webinar. My local said they plan to offer these free webinars every week because things are changing daily. I’m in Minnesota.
I am on a webinar right now that says the provider should be in their traditional setting (office address). If the office is closed due to Covid, then they need to contact the relevant insurance companies for guidance; however, so far the general advice seems to be they may need to change their provider address to their home address for the time being.