Wiki Telehealth Phone Visit


West Chester, PA
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Non COVID related phone visits that insurance is requiring member cost share. Do you alert the patient before the visit this is now a billable service (as opposed to not before)?
While I always believe it is up to the patient to know what their obligations are, since it is THEIR insurance, that does not always work out well in the real world. Once you find out someone will have a cost for something, and particularly if they haven't had that in the past, I see no reason NOT to tell them before the service is performed. That way, they can check with their insurance company if they have any questions about what THEIR insurance will cover for THEM. (emphasis definitely intended)
This is what I found in the Healthcare Business Monthly: " The patient will need to sign consent form when they receive a service, and this should be documented in the patient record or by way of a "virtual sign-in sheet." Alert patients that this is new because some patients may be used to calling the practice for advice without being charged."
hope it gives ideas. It is in the January 2020 AAPC Healthcare Business magazine.
For Behavioral Health visits during this pandemic, What diagnosis should our providers use for increase anxiety due to the pandemic? What is everyone seeing?
Most people experience periods of anxiety at some stage in their lives and this is recognised as a normal part of the human condition. Only when anxiety causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational or personal functioning can it be considered to be a disorder. In addition the anxiety must not merely be an understandable response to a particular event but must be a manifestation of a behavioural or psychological dysfunction in the person.

Increased anxiety alone due to actual real-world events is not necessarily a diagnosis without other issues. Ask the provider if the response is normal and expected or if there is something else.