Wiki Telehealth-OB/GYN New York

Wantagh, New York
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What CPT codes would be used for billing telemedicine for an OB/GYN?

I've been doing some research and found cpt code set 99441-99443.
We would use modifier 95 for commercial payers -pos is 02

I've been advised by BCBS and Aetna they are exclusive with "Teledoc".

Does anyone have more information, reimbursements for commercial payers, cpt codes?

I appreciate your help
99441-99443 are for phone calls, no video.. patient must imitate the call no modifer POS is 11 they are time based
99421-99423 are e-visits thru your established e-portal they are time based and no modifer POS 11
Telemedicine must be both audio and visual, use regular office visit codes. for now the patient can be in any site for originating site. For Medicare use no modifer unless you are in a designated site for the GT, POS is 02, 95 modifier is commercial
Telemedicine will have no exam portion except for possible mood and affect and patient appearance. Other wise the visit will be based history and MDM.
99441-99443 are for phone calls, no video.. patient must imitate the call no modifer POS is 11 they are time based
99421-99423 are e-visits thru your established e-portal they are time based and no modifer POS 11
Telemedicine must be both audio and visual, use regular office visit codes for now the patient can be in any site for originating site. For Medicare use no modifer unless you are in a designated site for the GT, POS is 02, 95 modifier is commercial
Telemedicine will have no exam portion except for possible mood and affect and patient appearance. Other wise the visit will be based history and MDM
Again audio and visual medium is telehealth and billable with any ov code with the 02 POS and commercial also uses the 95 modifer. If there is not both audio and visual then it is not telemedicine and would be either a phone call or e-visit using codes specific to phone or e-visit
awesome, I appreciate the feedback

In regards to claim 1500 form, if POS is 02- in box 24B
Box 32 "service facility location information" comes up blank...

Is that acceptable ?

Physician will be providing services via web audio/visual to patient in their home