Wiki Telehealth 2 patients same time


Rapid City, SD
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If a Telehealth is done at same time for spouses who are both Covid positive do each get billed? Each has a separate note. HPI, ROS etc are different but, treatments are the same. However, there would have been separate MDM considered for each they just both landed at the same exact protocol. Each note Provider stated "spent 30 minutes. . . " but, since treatment is the same that is the same 30 minutes discussing/counseling them both not 30 minutes each.
I don't recall seeing guidance for this specific scenario. I do know you cannot count the same time twice. I would code those visits on MDM only and not use the time. That way there is no question of compliance. Your provider did need to make separate evaluations on each of them (different hx, possibly different symptoms, possibly different risk), even if he did them within minutes of each other.