Wiki teaching MDM to providers...


East Haven, Connecticut
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My providers are having difficulty with choosing the correct level for Medical Decision making. I broke it down for them, point by point, but management feels they need this in more simplistic terms. I was wondering if anyone here has had to teach a quick and easy method for their providers to understand MDM? What did you tell them? (I have met with each provider individually and taught them how to do the MDM, but when they try to do this on their own they have trouble remembering all the points they have to hit/document.)
Let's start with this...

What did you tell them about it? I will give one example of what I do when I am educating providers. On the data points, I take my audit tool, give the provider a copy, and go step by step what each one of the areas mean where points may be earned. First line on my audit tool in data points is for labs. So, I will explain there is one data point for ordering lab tests, being careful to explain that no matter how many lab tests are ordered, they account for only one data point. Then will do the same for radiology, medicine section, reviewing old records and so on.

Does this sound like what you do?
Yes, that's pretty much what I do too. I give them a copy of my audit forms and I give them a copy of the table of risk. But my manager feels this is still too complicated for them. (I'm getting a little frustrated, as what she wants to give them as a reference, a table she created this weekend, is in my opinion so simplistic that errors are going to occur.)