Wiki Tcm

Kansas City, MO
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When it comes time to bill this charge and you bill the 30th date, but the patient comes into the office for a different matter on that date, what do you do? Can you bill two office visits for the same date then?
When it comes time to bill this charge and you bill the 30th date, but the patient comes into the office for a different matter on that date, what do you do? Can you bill two office visits for the same date then?

You would bill the TCM code with the 30th date as the DOS, if you have met all the requirements for billing the TCM codes of course, and you can bill an additional E/M code any time after the initial E/M that takes place within the first 1-2 weeks after d/c. The additional E/M would be billed for whatever day it actually happened, just bill it out like a normal E/M.

Hope this helps.