Wiki TCM billed with 17000 / 17003 on same day

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We billed a claim to Medicare for TCM (99496) along with lesion removal by freezing (17000/17003). We applied modifier 25 to 99496 but Medicare is stating that the procedure or procedure/modifier combination is not compatible with another procedure or procedure/modifier combination provided on the same day according to the NCCI. The patient also received a high dose flu shot (90662) and we billed for the administration code as well (G0008).
TCM is listed under E&M in the CPT book, so that is the reasoning behind the modifier 25.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
17000 (column 1) and 99496 (column 2) has a CCI conflict. No modifier is allowed to override the relationship. What CCI is saying is that you may not bill both on the same day.