Wiki Tc modifier


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Hi Fellows,

If a fluoroscopy is done as part of the procedure or a guidance, should a TC modifier be appended? We have a procedure for lumbar injection with a fluoroscopic guidance. I was told that this needs a TC modifier but this fluorosocopy was used as a guidance done through out the procedure. What I know is if the fluoroscopy was done alone, this can be appended with TC modifier but if it was done as part of the procedure, TC is not necessary.

Please advise.

Many Thanks.
Anytime fluoro is used in your ASC and it does not bundle with the procedure being performed, as a facility you must use the TC modifier. By not using the modifier you are claiming that your ASC performed the professional component (26) as well which I have never seen in an ASC unless you have a radiologist on staff that is on your payroll (does not bill for his services separately) that reads every film taken.

Hope this helps