Wiki Taxotere billing


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New to explaining to clinical staff how to bill for chemo drugs. In case of taxotere doctor orders 155 mg, do you round up to 160mg? I should tell you there are 80mg and 20mg vials. How to know when to round up. A nurse advised even if you use a chemo that is from a MDV, if you use it for a patient and there is an amount left over then you bill for the entire vial because you cant use for another this true?
Billing for chemo drugs

For infusion drugs, you bill for the entire amount opened with a JW modifier. For example we infuse Benlysta - If the patient is infused with 350 MG, but the vial combination comes up to 400 mg. I would bill for the 400 with a JW and in box 19 note that 350 mg was infused and 50 mg wasted.
Thank you for your reply. That makes since for Benlysta because it is a single use vial, but what about a multiuse vial?
taxotere billing

That is correct.
If your nurse used MDV for taxotere, then you should only bill 155, can round you since billable unit is 1.

By the way, JW does not require since Nordian took over. YOu can check the article under Noridian web.

Hope these help.