Wiki Talar cyst subchondroplasty


Cedar Rapids, IA
Best answers
I haven't seen a surgery like this before, and I'm not finding much when I search. I'm leaning towards unlisted code 27899 with 77002-26 at this point, although I'm not even sure what code to compare it to. Does anyone have experience with this? Thanks!

Dx: 1. ankle extensive synovitis with osteochondritis dissecans, 2.talar cyst with micro-fracturing
Procedure: Talar cyst subchondroplasty with cyst repair right talus. (Extensive arthroscopic debridement was also done following this, but I have not included that part of the note below)

...An incision was created laterally just distal to the fibula at the level of the lateral talar process. The peroneal tendons were retracted with a Senn retractor and a subchondroplasty reamer was entered from that lateral incision at an oblique angle in a nonarticular zone of the talus, into what was visualized under intraoperative fluoroscopy to be a cyst in the lateral half of the talus. The subchondroplasty drill with trocar tip was entered under direct visualization to the area of the cyst. Once the cyst was encountered without penetrating the cartilage of the talus, the trocar guide wire was removed from the cannulated system and it was determined the tip of the reamer was at the appropriate position and 2 mL of calcium phosphate flowable material was then injected into the cyst. The flowable material hardened after 10 minutes and the cannulated system was removed without complication...

I was going to tell you to compare to 29891, but in your excerpt the physician did not actually drill into the cyst. I would look at 29892 for comparison since he is trying to repair it with the calcium phosphate material.

plus your diagnosis of osteochondritis dissecans helps support

hope this helps a little