Wiki taking CPCO exam- what to bring?


Salem, MA
Best answers
I will be taking the CPCO exam in 2 weeks. Could someone please clarify what I can take with me. I have all of the material printed and it is 4 large binders full! Do I take all of that?! The AAPC website also states to take CPT and ICD 9 manuals- I can't figure out why I would need those, I was not planning on taking them. I have taken the practice exam and feel very confident in what I know. BUT from what I read on here, I think I am unprepared. Could someone please offer me some words of wisdom.:confused:
You are permitted a single reference to take with you. I'm afraid 4 binders of information counts as multiple references, at least from my memory. CPT and ICD-9 should not be needed. AAPC needs to revise its materials to test-takers to be specific in that regard.

I did not take any references, figuring that I either knew the material or did not. However, it would have been helpful to have certain materials with me. I'd say to focus on a binder with information on areas where you have little experience or have performed poorly on practice examinations.

Does this make sense?
The aapc allows all references as long as they are from the oig or cms sources. It can be more than one binder. The study guide can not be one of the sources but the study guide has a lot of relevant information. Good luck! I took mine last week.
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I took my CPCO two years ago and I also compiled many resources from the OIG, CMS, etc. I took 4 big binders also and was allowed to use them if needed. I have been in coding compliance/auditing for many many years and figured I either know it by now or I don't...I did not use the material, but it was my "comfort item" knowing that I could use if necessary.

I did not take a CPT or ICD-9 book.

Good Luck!