Wiki Taking CIRCC on saturday!!!

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Totally freaking out!!! I hate the unexpected. I know time management will be a problem. Keep your fingers crossed for me!!!
CIRCC exam: the nitty-gritty

To anyone who has experienced the CIRCC exam:
I am taking it in 3 months. I have a couple of questions that I know will not be covered in their official rules. I passed the CCS in 2013, so am hoping this test experience will be better. My exam will be in a conference room of a hospital.

1) Do they allow basic human needs, like water and a bathroom break?

2) Will they allow me to use book holders to hold my code books upright?
I am short, and I literally cannot read a book that is lying flat on the desk
unless I have a tall chair. It takes two hands to hold the book up, and I don't
have a third hand to turn the pages.

3) I know that handwritten notes in your code book are allowed. My code book
also has some notes on small pieces of paper that I have taped in. These are
mostly lists of codes, i.e.: a list of aspiration and drainage codes. Will these be allowed?

Thank you in advance for any advice on these subjects!
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To anyone who has experienced the CIRCC exam:
I am taking it in 3 months. I have a couple of questions that I know will not be covered in their official rules. I passed the CCS in 2013, so am hoping this test experience will be better. My exam will be in a conference room of a hospital.

1) Do they allow basic human needs, like water and a bathroom break?

2) Will they allow me to use book holders to hold my code books upright?
I am short, and I literally cannot read a book that is lying flat on the desk
unless I have a tall chair. It takes two hands to hold the book up, and I don't
have a third hand to turn the pages.

3) I know that handwritten notes in your code book are allowed. My code book
also has some notes on small pieces of paper that I have taped in. These are
mostly lists of codes, i.e.: a list of aspiration and drainage codes. Will these be allowed?

Thank you in advance for any advice on these subjects![/

Good luck when you take your exam. To answer your questions:
1. Yes, you get bathroom breaks. You can also take "quiet food" (uncrustables are great) along with something to drink.
3. They do allow "tabs" as bookmarks for the different IR/Cardiology sections, along with anatomy charts.
2. As for that, it depends on where the exam it held. If you can find out who is running the test, give them a call to find out about book supports.

Jim Pawloski, CIRCC
re: Taking CIRCC on Saturday

let us know how you feel it went, i am sitting for attempt three in april...last time wasn't so bad i didn't miss it by much, i know the hard stuff it's the easy stuff that throws me

Sorry I got a couple of questions about exam I cant seem to figure out on my own. Im planning to take CIRCC in April.

First, Is there any ICD-9 questions on exam? I saw where its not a required book.

Second, Any advice on obtaining reasonably priced GOOD useful anatomy charts?

Third, Any advice on best study guide and/or AAPC online practice exam really worth the money?

Any other advice would be greatly appreciated...


all cpt need anatomical charts too dr z said you can't take it without..

good luck, i am growing more confident at least i have time to prepare this time..

i used the practice guide the last two times, i went to dr z seminar i am just practicing the ten million cases he gave us for practice, some very hard some more basic...i figure that is best way to prepare...

good luck to us
