Wiki Tag Team surgery


Manistee, MI
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Hello everyone,

I need some advice on a surgery that was performed by two of our OBGYN providers. A patient had multiple procedures performed: High Uterosacral Vaginal Vault Suspension; total vaginal hysterectomy, and Combined anteroposterior colporrhaphy at the same time. One physician was the primary surgeon for the hysterectomy and the colporrhaphy with the second surgeon as the assistant. The physicians then switched roles for the Vault suspension with the primary surgeon for the other two procedures becoming the assistant while the assistant for the other two procedures becoming the primary surgeon. The two doctors are the same specialty and same group and the hospital is an acute care hospital (no medical residents, etc). I didn't think (as do the other coders) that you can bill an assitant surgeon becoming a primary surgeon on one of the surgeries? Any help would be greatly appreciated.