Wiki Table of Risk

Shepherdsville, KY
Best answers
In the table of risk an abrupt change in neurologic status or sensory loss is mentioned. Are there specific examples for the sensory loss? Is the loss / decrease of taste and smell an example of this?

Thanks for any input.

Sensory loss is usually attributable to TIA, strokes and other life-threatening neurological issues which per the table of risk is HIGH.

Sensory loss as in losing the senses of smell and taste may be attributable to anything from a Migraine Aura to Sinus Infection to impending Seizure activity, Stroke or Brain Tumor.

So in order to make a judgement decision on the RISK involved with this patient I'd need to see the entire note to find out why he came in and query the doctor for what he is looking for. Perhaps better documentation is needed to paint the full picture?

So to answer your question yes it may be HIGH risk but it may be a migraine.