Wiki Table of Risk for inpatient stay with multiple physicians managing conditions


Chesapeake, VA
Best answers
I need some help with the table of risk and whether it pertains to the patient's risk or the provider. In the inpatient setting there may be multiple physicians managing the patient's different conditions. So my question, for example, is if a patient is seen daily by an internist for say, pneumonia and also has stable stage 3 chronic kidney failure, and then develops acute kidney failure on top of that, and the AKI is now being managed by a nephrologist, the AKI falls into the high category for presenting problem, but since the internist is not the one managing the AKI can it still be counted as high on the table of risk for the internist?
Risk in Inpatient E&M


As per your question AKI is not going to credit a risk for internist physician why physician is not managing AKI is managing by Nephrologist it will get credit to Nephrologist