Wiki T36-T50 help needed for CPC Exam

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I'll be taking the CPC exam shortly and have run in to practice questions where
the answers tell me that I should code T36-T50 second as well as that I should
code them first. These are in that AAPC Guides, mind you. Needless to say, I'm
confused as well as worried now that I'll see one of these on the exam.
Any help is greatly appreciated, especially if there's a CC/rule that has a
definitive answer.
for the T36-T50 codes.. in the guidelines it states if it is a poisoning or toxicity then the T code for the substance is listed first with the 7th character A, D, orS, however if it is an adverse effect or underdosing then the code for the substance is coded second with the 7th character A, D, or S.
poisoning -- A patient takes more of a therapeutic substance than what they are directed to take either prescription dose or over the counter (6th character 1,2,3, or 4)
toxicity is injecting or contact with a non therapeutic substance
adverse effect -- taking a medicating in the directed manner with an ill outcome (sixth character 5)
underdosing -- taking less or none of a prescribed dosage.(sixth character 6)