Wiki T-Systems


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Hello Coders,
Just wondering if anyone has ever worked for T-systems? any pros or cons?
any input would truly be appreciated!

I currently work for them (and have for two years). It is my only coding job so I don't have anything to compare it to, but I have really enjoyed working for them. There are a lot of opportunities for additional work if you want it and I felt their training process was more than adequate as a new coder.
Thank You

Thanks for the info Longeliner31, I am eager to start with them and can't wait!:)

I am a recent CPC-A. I also volunteer at a local hospital in the billing department for the past two years. I am interested in applying for a coder position in T-systems. Are they still hiring? Please let me know. Thanks in advance.
I work for T-System full time and we are always looking for coders. They are contract pay per chart positions. You can apply online via their website.