Wiki Sutures w/ E/M

Lynda Wetter

True Blue
Local Chapter Officer
Glen Allen, VA
Best answers
Patient comes into an Urgent care facility with a wound.
Physician does a problem pertinent exam and surures the wound.
Would this qualify for an E/M to be billed with the suture code?

Thanks in advance.
Right pinky laceration: 45 minutes prior to arrival slipped and fell in driveway. Cut finger on a piece of ice. Needs tetanus updated.
Vials noted. BP elevated. NAD. there is a 2 cm laceration on the Palmer surface, right fifth finger, mild bleeding. Good capillary refill. Motor and sensory function intact.
Consent for repair was obtained. Wound was irrigated by staff. Digital block was performed with 2 ml of 1% lidocane. Area prepped and draped in usual sterile fashion, betadine followed by saline. Four simple interrupted sutures of 5-0 nylon placed. PT tolerated it well. Will return in 10 days for suture removal.
TD update administered. Lot # 123456789
Suture and E&M

In this case there is nothing above and beyond the suture repair of the laceration. An E/M would not be medical necessary to bill out.
On a personal note, I am battling with a hospital system with a free standing out patient center. My wife cut her thumb on a Sunday a.m., stopped into this facility and in ten minutes was on her way with three stitches. I later get a bill for over $1200.00 with a level 4 emergency room visit and $500.00 in "supplies." I have disputed the bill multiple times, asking for the documentation and an itemized statement, none of which has been provided, and now they have sent me to collections where I am still disputing the medical decision making process.
On a personal note, I am battling with a hospital system with a free standing out patient center. My wife cut her thumb on a Sunday a.m., stopped into this facility and in ten minutes was on her way with three stitches. I later get a bill for over $1200.00 with a level 4 emergency room visit and $500.00 in "supplies." I have disputed the bill multiple times, asking for the documentation and an itemized statement, none of which has been provided, and now they have sent me to collections where I am still disputing the medical decision making process.

Wow, that is insane! I hope you get this resolved...