Wiki Survey


Canton, IL
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I am a Clinic Administrator for an Adult Hospitalist group, along with being their medical coder. We currently have 12 doctors, and 5 midlevel providers. I also code for the Pediatric Hospitalist group, which was 2 providers (3, but he's out of the country until later this year). As of today, I have now gotten another Hospitalist group that has 2 Doctors and 3 midlevels. The doctor's are the only ones who actually charge in the Hospitalist group setting.

All of our codes are E/M codes. Monday mornings are pretty rough because I can have anywhere from 160 to 200 + (this morning I had 200) patients to chart for. . .and on Mondays, some of the patients have more than one charge to look through since we just came back from a weekend.

My question is, what is the average amount spend on an E/M chart for everyone? Or, how many charts in an 8 hour period is average? I don't feel like I can do a good job because I'm trying to keep up with the workload. I've been training my Administrative Assistant as best I can just so we can get the charges done daily. I'm taking the CPMA course in hopes it will strengthen my skills.

I'm curious to know everyone's thoughts.

Thank you!:)
I am a Clinic Administrator for an Adult Hospitalist group, along with being their medical coder. We currently have 12 doctors, and 5 midlevel providers. I also code for the Pediatric Hospitalist group, which was 2 providers (3, but he's out of the country until later this year). As of today, I have now gotten another Hospitalist group that has 2 Doctors and 3 midlevels. The doctor's are the only ones who actually charge in the Hospitalist group setting.

All of our codes are E/M codes. Monday mornings are pretty rough because I can have anywhere from 160 to 200 + (this morning I had 200) patients to chart for. . .and on Mondays, some of the patients have more than one charge to look through since we just came back from a weekend.

My question is, what is the average amount spend on an E/M chart for everyone? Or, how many charts in an 8 hour period is average? I don't feel like I can do a good job because I'm trying to keep up with the workload. I've been training my Administrative Assistant as best I can just so we can get the charges done daily. I'm taking the CPMA course in hopes it will strengthen my skills.

I'm curious to know everyone's thoughts.

Thank you!:)

Typically about 5 minutes per chart. If you need help, please feel free to PM me.