Wiki surgical supplies


Susanville, CA
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Can anyone tell me if surgical supplies, for example, colonoscopy is being performed, and snare instruments for biopsies are used, etc., are billable? It seems to me that the procedure couldn't be carried out without it, so it would be bundled into the procedure, but I want to make sure.

Opinions please.
In addition to the supplies, can you charge for fluids seperately during surgery? If the patient is having a colonscopy and has LR running @ 125 cc/hr during the procedure, can this be charged as hydration?
This is not a reply, I need to add more questions. If done is the physician's office not surgery center, I thought that facility charge is included procedure; however, our physician was told by other physician(urologist) that even in the office prcedure, the separate facility charges are paid along with supplies which are very expensive.
I would really appreciate for clarification.
:)thank you