Wiki Surgical package/ Global days

Lynda Wetter

True Blue
Local Chapter Officer
Glen Allen, VA
Best answers
If a PT had a procedurre that had a global day, like an I & D, The PT returns to have a follow up -which is included in the global days, but what if the patient had a slight reaction to original meds that were given... the doctor give benadryl in office and send the patient on his way. Is there a reportable office visit here?

No you would not be able to bill an E & M visit for an allergic reaction to meds given for the procedure. Whether you can bill for the Benadryl or not depends on whether your office buy bills medications. If it was injected and your office does buy bill you can charge for the medication and the administration.
Without documentation ...

Without the documentation it's hard to say ... however...

I would probably consider evaluation of an apparent allergic reaction to be NOT part of the global surgical package. Until evaluated you have no idea whether this reaction is to post-procedural antibiotics or a bug bite or food or ???

Hope that helps.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC