Wiki Surgical modifier with Medi-Cal


Irvine, CA
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Our ASC claim for 64493 on UB-04 is denied by Medi-Cal because of missing correct modifiers. What surgical modifiers that Medi-Cal is looking for?
I reviewed the list and modifier 54 looks good to me but my colleague wants to try AG. I think AG is only for CM-1500 not for UB-04.
Better to contact the payer to find out what they're looking for rather than 'trying' different modifiers. It may just have been a mistake on their part, or there could be a specific reimbursement policy that they're requiring you to follow that they could direct you to.
Better to contact the payer to find out what they're looking for rather than 'trying' different modifiers. It may just have been a mistake on their part, or there could be a specific reimbursement policy that they're requiring you to follow that they could direct you to.

Medi-Cal does have a help desk, but the quality of help is... "meh" at best.

I had an issue where my claims for comprehensive inpatient rehab hospital/physician services were being denied for POS. The correct POS is 61, but Medi-Cal didn't like that. The specialist assigned to help me wasn't of any help, and she couldn't figure it out either. I finally asked her, in writing so I would have backup in case of audit, if I should bill with POS 21 (hospital) and modifier U2, and she said, basically, to give it a try. My claims are now all paying, but if we ever get audited, I have the email to back up what we're doing.

The Medi-Cal manual was unclear on my issue; it did say services were covered though, so we didn't feel we were doing anything wrong by billing POS 21.