Wiki Surgery confusion


Fort Myers, FL
Best answers
The doctors office wants to code the surgery below with 11406, 13101,13102. I am in disagreement with them. I am looking at 19380 or 13101 and 13102 or 15839 . I am hoping for some help in solving this matter.

dx- breast assymetry following mastectomy for breast cancer

Operation- revision of left breast flaps with 21 cm incision and complex closure

Sequentiial compression devices were activated and maintained throughout the postoperative course. Ancef was given IV for prophlaxis. She was taken to the major OR suite and placed supine. General anesthesia was administered. All pressure points were carefully padded. Time out was taken and the patient and procedure verified. Preoperative markings were injected. A 15 blade was used to incise throught the skin. The excess skin and tissue present on the left side was removed. She was cauterized for hemostasis. Bilute betadine was used for irrigation. She was temporaily stapled and sat up to check asymmetry. Adjustments were made with markings that were then incised with the 15 blade and the extra skin removed. She was then closed in layers.

It should be noted that 140 grams was removed from the left side.

Thank you
Better late than never...I would use 19380. Hopefully you obtained prior-auth from the insurance company. Where exactly was the tissue that was removed, 19120 may also be an option. If you have billed and been paid on this, please share the outcome if you don't mind.