Wiki Surgeries billed with co management

Rocky Hill, CT
Best answers
I'm trying to figure out the proper way of billing as the surgeon and post op OD when it's a co management case. I believe for the billing side of the surgeon it's
66984-54 and the eye
66984-55 ""

The post operative visit under the control management Dr is
66984-55 and the eye.
Please help me
Our office does sx with co-managed post operative care. We bill the surgical code (for example 66984) with the modifier 54 and the modifier for the eye. We don't manage other surgeon's patients and we only use the modifier when the patient is having their post operative care with a physician from another office so I am not sure how the post operative services would be billed out.

hope that helps!
Your office should be billing the 66984-54 with the modifier for the eye.

The comanaging OD should be billing the 66984-55 with the eye modifier.

You also have to include the dates your office followed the patient after surgery and turned them over to the comanaging doctor.

Make sure that your office is sending them reports on your exam and surgery findings and that they are sending you reports from their post op exams.