Wiki Surgeon called to OR to help GYN with scope and exploration- HELP!!!


Canton, NY
Best answers
Hi Everyone,

I am billing for a surgeon who was called from home because a gynecologist couldn't advance the port throught the abdomen for laparoscopic exploration, and thought she might have damaged some organs trying. The surgeon performed a Veress needle technique to obtain insufflation, and after another port was passed into the peritoneum, he inspected the area to see that there was no damage to the liver. Then the port was removed and the gas switched to the existing port where he inspected the bowel and omentum. Once this was done, and the doctor was confident there were no injuries, the operation was turned back over to the GYN. I am at a loss as to how to code this. It is not Medicare or Medicaid. Do I charge for a consult? And what code would I use for the insertion of the ports and inspection of the abdomen?

I would really appreciate some direction on this.


Paula Nezezon, CPC
Physician Medical Billing & Management
I would code it as a diagnostic laparoscopy, the doctor put the ports in and looked around, all the components of a dx lap, I would also use a Mod. 54 if the pt isn't going to come back to see the surgeon.