Wiki suprscapular nerve block with shoulder injection


True Blue
Everett, Washington
Best answers
I posted a similar question back in early 2014 RE 20610 and 64418 and an esteemed forum member advised that billing the more expensive procedure would probably be a better way to go since 64418 is bundled into 20610 (64418 pays more). But now with the new modifier subsets I've been asked if billing both would be possible utilizing the new XS modifier. My response is still no.

Frankly, I'm stalled with the billing for the procedures below and of course bump up against the NCCI edits. Can't unbundle with the XS because it's in the same anatomical area. I'm waiting on the chart notes, but would it be acceptable to bill the 64418 and the 76942 with the 716.61 diagnoses along with the medication and omit the 20610 and 77002 altogether?

My confidence is a little shaky with these type of scenarios and my physician awaits an answer.

20610-LT 715.91
77002-LT 715.91
64418 XS-LT 716.61
76942-LT 716.31
J code for medication
Forgive for the bump...

I'm afraid this will roll off soon so am reposting it. It does make a difference whether one posts in the morning or late afternoon/evening and by doing that the "viewability" is limited.

Does anyone have any advice to my post above? Perhaps I should post into other forums but thought that was not looked upon favorably.
It's actually hard to answer your question without seeing the note. Which code was done with U/S guidance? 77002 is bundled into both 64418 and 76942. Maybe when you receive the chart note you could post it (w/o pt info of course) and then people could be more certain about an answer.
Doreen, thank you for replying! Yes, I thought about this as I forumulated my question, but as of yet have not obtained them. In the meantime, I'm waiting and pondering over the use of modifier XU as a possibility? Hoping to update this later...