Wiki Supraomohyod neck dissection including levels Ia Ib, IIb, III question on closure


True Blue
Hinsdale, MA
Best answers
Left apron incision is performed from left mastoid extending 2 cm past midline. Incision is carried through platysma. Subplatysmal flap is elevated superiorly to the mandible to posterior border of SCM.
Submental fat pad is excised. Submandibular triangle is dissected.
Tissue overlying the accessory nerve is divided and the tissue is dissected off of the fascial floor along the internal jugular vein. Inferiorly muscle is dissected superiorly. Carotid sheath is opened and internal jugular vein is skeletonized with ligation and division of tributaries. Dissection continues superiorly as fibrofatty tissue is dissected and preserved.
Wound is copiously irrigated with saline and closed over a 10 mm Jackson-Pratt drain with 3-0 Vicryl for the platysma, 3.0 Vicryl for the subdermis, and running 4-0 nylon for the skin.
Does this sound like layered closure-intermediate repair?
If so, what would be the CPT range?
thank you