Wiki supervision of resident during surgery


True Blue
Columbus, OH
Best answers
Hello, everyone! I need help with a situation involving a surgical resident and supervising surgeon. I don't have much experience with situations involving residents but we seem to be branching out lately :)

(Note: I work in a medical practice so this question pertains to the physician service, not the facility.)

One of my surgeons turned in billing for a patient in which the operative report states "Surgeon" was present and scrubbed in for the entire procedure. The note was dictated by the surgical resident and appears to have been performed entirely by the resident.

Is this a case where we would bill for the service using a GC modifier? Is it not billable at all? HELP!!

bumping for help!

Bumping this message in hopes of a response. I really need some help with the guidelines for this :confused:
supervision of resident

Hi! Did you ever get an answer for your question? I find myself in the same situation and unable to find an answer.

I think so

I work in pediatrics so we don't bill to Medicare

But looking at the requirements for this modifier, I would say YES ... bill goes out under the supervising physician's name with GC modifier.

NOTE: the supervision physician must have an appropriate attestation statement ... it is not enough for the resident to state the surgeon was scrubbed and present, the surgeon must state s/he was scrubbed and present for the operatiion.

Hope that helps.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC
I'm glad you brought up point about the attestation. I'll have to review the op report again and make sure he did that. Thanks for the response!