
yes, we use it, but the only thing that I find useful there are the Specialty Coding Alerts, the rest is expensive, and usually found elsewhere in subscriptiosn we already pay for.
I found some errors in the Coding Alert samples, last year, emailed the editor for clarification and never received a response. I commented online on 2 other articles a week ago and am still awaiting a response from the moderator. If this is any indication of their customer service, I probably will not renew my subscription and will look elsewhere.

This is my second year using SuperCoder and I love it. Whenever I call with any questions the support staff is knowledgeable and very willing to help. I received a call the other day by a representative who asked how I liked the service and then proceeded to walk me through all the functions of the system. They now have a feature called E/M code constructor. This is such a useful tool and is very valuable in auditing the physicians. I have really had a good experience with this company.