Wiki Supartz


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Hi, does anybody knows if I can combine J7321 (Supartz) with 20610, same day same claim form and if I need to use modifiers? How many units for J7321?
The J code is the drug the 20610 is the administration so yes bill them together as you cannot have one without the other. No modifiers, the units will depend on how much was given.
Thank you so much!! Do you know if 76942 (ultrasound guidance) can be billed as well on the same claim. I was told it is needed.
20610 RT or LT 1unit
J7321 RT or LT 1unit
Q9967 RT or LT 1unit
76942 RT or LT 1unit for the first injection
Then it varies on the 2nd injection to Bilateral and for the J code the mod EJ, is this correct?

What about for this:
27370 RT or LT 1unit
77002 RT or LT 1unit
20610 RT or LT 1unit
J7321 RT or LT 1unit
Q9967 RT or LT 1unit Can all this be done on the same day, billed on the same claim form?
Thank you!!
Yes, they all can be billed on the same day if documentation is there to support them.

RT and LT are laterality modifiers applied to the administration only. They should never be applied to supply codes, and it wouldn't be necessary on the ultrasound guidance. I would be suspicious of a 27370 and 20610 would not be bundled if performed in the same knee; so check the NCCI edits on this code pair. If performed on the contralateral knee or totally different anatomical area a modifier 59 would be supported. Don't forget to change your J7321 to 2 units when a bilateral injection are done. I find this error a lot when I am auditing, it's easy to miss it. Yes, some LCD's direct using the EJ modifier on the drug.

The ultrasound would use a 26 or TC depending on the situation; or no modifier if performed in an office and the machine is owned by the clinic/provider.
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I have a question about the 76942. Can it be performed by a FNP, or only the TC? I have a situation where an MD is performing the "read" and generating a report (26 component) days after the TC and procedure are performed.