Wiki Suction D&C for ectopic pregnancy & left salpingectomy

Springfield, KY
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Hello everyone,

I have a patient that had a suction D&C for an ectopic pregnancy and a laparoscopic left salpingectomy. Would I use 59820 & 59151?
Hi. I was sooo glad to see your question as that is what I was searching for as well. I did bill 59151 for the laparoscopic salpingectomy, but I still have the claim on hold because I am not sure how to accuratley code the suction D&C. I do not think 59820 would be appropriate. I have the Ob-GYN Coding Companion ad it states that theis procedure treats a missed AN in the first trimester when the fetus remains in the uterus four to eight weeks following its death. 58120 is for non-ob...uuughh what to code, what to code.

If I find the answer I will reply to you. Have a great Friay!:eek: