Wiki "Subcutaneous Flaps" during incisional hernia repair


Smyrna, TN
Best answers
Hi folks, can I get some opinions please?

One of my surgeons performed open incisional hernia repair.
During closure the fascia retained too much tension so he released fascia from subcutaneous fat to allow less tension on the repair.
He wants to report an adjacent tissue transfer (14301) for the sub-q / fascial release, not sure I agree with him - doesn't that include the skin too?
Would this bundle into main procedure?

Any thoughts or suggestions, please see below basically what he documented.

*hernia defect with subcutaneous advancement flaps
*fascia was tight when testing its ability to close
*additional fascial release was performed by mobilizing subcutaneous flaps from the fascia
*transfascial tacking sutures were placed
*fascia was then closed vertically

Thanks in advance
First of all, that is not a tissue transfer - it is just undermining to release the tightened tissue to allow closure. It might qualify for an "extra work" modifier with the surgical note attached.
Thanks Indiana for the references. All I have to go on is my experience as an OR scrub nurse and it seems like upcoding for fascial release without muscle layer also involved.

PS I live about 45 miles north of you! Are you enjoying the snow?