Wiki Subclavina plasty & stent

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The way I am reading this I would not bill for the angioplasty only the that correct, if not please explain. Thanks so much!

Severe ostial left subclavian stenosis with utilized left internal mammary artery to the LAD and possible subclavian steal syndrome.

Mr. X was taken to the Interventional Radiology department where bilateral groins were prepped in the usual fashion. Moderate sedation and local anesthesia were used throughout the procedure as well as IV heparin for an ACT greater than 250. His right common femoral artery was accessed utilizing a 6-French sheath. A 90-cm sheath was then used to advance up to the ostium of the left subclavian artery. Selective angiography was performed of the left subclavian artery to utilize its stenosis. Following this, a V18 wire was used to go past the lesion, and the ostial subclavian lesion was predilated with a 4.0 balloon. Following this, a 6.0 x 18 bare-metal stent was deployed in the ostial area and post-dilated with an 8.0 balloon with 0% residual. The wire was then removed, and final angiography demonstrated brisk flow at the left subclavian artery and down the left internal mammary artery. Right iliofemoral angiography was also performed, and the right common femoral artery was deemed suitable for vascular closure device, which was successful. He was then transferred back to the recovery unit, was monitored per protocol, and then was deemed stable for discharge on the same day of procedure.

Selective angiography of the left subclavian artery.
Successful PTA and stenting with a 6.0 x 18 bare-metal stent with 0% residual
Hi there,

I would not bill the angioplasty. The reason I wouldn't is that it appears that the stent was the intent from the beginning. If he had stated that the was residual recoil after the angioplasty and then decided to do the stent, then and only then would I bill the angioplasty and the stent.

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The main things that tell you to only use the stent code is the the angioplasty was to predilate the vessel and there is no mention that after the PTA was done that it didnt work so the stenting was also needed. So I agree only code the stenting.