Wiki Subclavian PTA Stent


Loganville, GA
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The charges were turned in as followed: Aortogram, non selective carotid angiogram, selective left subclavian aortogram, subclavian pta with stent.

I am not sure of the coding here but have: 37205, 36215, 75960-26. Can I bill for anything else?

PROCEDURE: Aortogram, selective, left subclavian angiogram, PTCA left subclavian artery and stent placement in the left subclavian artery.

Access was obatained initially using micropuncture and a 5-French sheat was placed without any problem. Then, a pigtail catheter was advanced over a regular J-wire and LAO view aortogram was shot. It revealed severe 90% left subclavian stenosis. After that, the pigtail catheter was exchanged for JR4 diagnostic catheter, and a Stiff Angled Glidewire was used to cross the lesion. Using dividers, the diagnostic catheter was used to cross the lesion, and Stiff Angled Glidewire was withdrawn and was replaced by __ wire and the distal end of the wire was brought in the axillary artery. After that, JR4 catheter was taken out, was withdrawn, as well as the 5-French sheath. It was replaced 90 cm 7-French sheath. Patient had further diagnostic multiple taken for lesion. ____ dilated wire with 6.0 x 20 regular pressure balloon to profile with suboptimal results. Subsequently, 11.0 x 20 bare metal self-expanding stent was placed in the patient's subclavian artery, and for increased ___ a 2nd 11.0 x20 self-expanding stent was placed. This was followed by 9.0 x 20 balloon which was used to post-dilate with good angiographic results.