Wiki studying for exam


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I work 40 hours a week and study for my CPC exam on weekends anyone have tips on the best ways to study? Thanks!
I work 40 hours a week and study for my CPC exam on weekends anyone have tips on the best ways to study? Thanks!
I also work 40 hours, and am currently studying to be a CPMA. I found the best way to study is create flash cards. I make up questions in regards to the chapter I am currently on, then my husband will either show me the question on the flash card, or ask me the question. I also type out questions and answers on another page, then I will attempt to answer the question, without looking at the answer on the other page. I also purchased the 3 practice exams, from the AAPC, which REALLY HELP, and I am SOO glad I did.
Hope this helps!
I also purchased the 3 practice exams- although I only took 2.. I just passed my exam on the 15th of November the best advice I can give you is study as much as you can. Study during lunch- study after work- study whenever you have free time- process of elimination really helped me- so you will see right of the bet which answers don't look right and then look at the ones that look correct and use your books to get you to the right answer-
I was pregnant when I studied and also worked 40 hours a week so you can do this!! Had my baby in August and finished up the online coding course in October and tested right after.
I wish I could let you use the unused practice exam I have but I don't know If that's even possible. Just study study study--
I also work 40 plus hours a week I am currently on my medical terminology class so haven't even gotten to the actual course and it is already tough but we can do it!! I study after work every day for at least 3 hours. I take my own notes as I go through the chapters then review them every time I can. You got this!
YES!! I am watching Laureen's Blitz videos! They are great! you should try them if you can! I will try her Exam review also! she is great!