Wiki Study tips


Spring, TX
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I want to take the cardiology coding exam in October. I am wondering could someone who has taking the exam send me some study tips (guides or books). I really want this, because i believe that it will help my career. I have already been blessed with a CPC, I just want to expand my knowledge in a specialty. I want to get into cardiology, because it's a challenge for me. Please help!!!!

The book that helped me most was CSI Navigator For: Invasive Cardiology. Its from Coding Strategies, Inc. and very informative and easy to understand. It has a test at the end of the book that is great! I also purchased the study aid from AAPC.

I marked up my CPT book like there was no tomorrow!! I made lots of notes and drew lots of diagrams.

The test is very hard. I passed it the first time but I studied for about 6 months!

Good luck and happy studying,
ccc exam

Thanks for the tip. I was also wondering, you stated that you drew diagrams. What are were the diagrams for? Are you talking about anatomical charts? How did you get started studying, i mean where did you start from? Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!
I could have used the charts you refer to but I found it more helpful to draw my own diagrams and make notes. I took the preprinted charts to the exam but I never picked them up.

I think I actually started studying on the anatomy of the heart. Where everything was and how it worked. I would take the test I purchased from AAPC and when I missed a question I would research until I understood the answer. I did the same with the test in the CSI book. Things I didn't understand or had problems with, I would ask one of our doc's to help me.

It takes a lot of time and dedication!