Wiki Study Habits

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Hello, I am only 3-4 weeks into the Medical Terminology Program and it is overwhelming. I am struggling to memorize all of this information and find I need to use my reference book for exams. I am worried I am not studying enough, but don't want to fall behind. Can anyone give me a ballpark estimate of how much time you spend studying, reading, and taking your exams weekly?
I know that it may be a little overwhelming, so remember for every hour that you spend studying or on your computer working, you must take a 5-10 break to stretch or just to get away from what you are doing. To answer your question about the study habits, go back to basics, what did your high school teacher or your college professor tell you on studying habits? *NOTE*
For every day in class (2-6 hrs. class time), you must study the material given @ least 2 hrs per day. I always recommend students to study medical terminology by body systems, if you break it down this way, in my opinion, will make much sense to you and you will retain much easier. I hope this helps, but in all fairness you must communicate with your Instructor/Professor for assistance.

C. Miranda, CPC
AAPC Education Officer 2016